Class AC

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable

    public final class AC
    extends Object
    implements Externalizable
    A constraint that holds the column or row constraints for the grid. It also holds the gaps between the rows and columns.

    This class is a holder and builder for a number of DimConstraints.

    For a more thorough explanation of what these constraints do, and how to build the constraints, see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

    Note that there are two way to build this constraint. Through String (e.g. "[100]3[200,fill]" or through API (E.g. new AC().size("100").gap("3").size("200").fill().

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      AC align​(String side)
      Specifies the current row/column's columns default alignment for its components.
      AC align​(String side, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' columns default alignment for its components.
      AC count​(int size)
      Sets the total number of rows/columns to size.
      AC fill()
      Specifies that the current row/column's component should grow by default.
      AC fill​(int... indexes)
      Specifies that the indicated rows'/columns' component should grow by default.
      AC gap()
      Specifies the gap size to be the default one AND moves to the next column/row.
      AC gap​(String size)
      Specifies the gap size to size AND moves to the next column/row.
      AC gap​(String size, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' gap size to size.
      DimConstraint[] getConstaints()
      int getCount()
      Returns the number of rows/columns that this constraints currently have.
      AC grow()
      Specifies the current row/column's grow weight within columns/rows with the grow priority 100f.
      AC grow​(float w)
      Specifies the current row/column's grow weight within columns/rows with the same grow priority.
      AC grow​(float w, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' grow weight within columns/rows with the same grow priority.
      AC growPrio​(int p)
      Specifies the current row/column's grow priority.
      AC growPrio​(int p, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' grow priority.
      AC index​(int i)
      Sets the current row/column to i.
      AC noGrid()
      Specifies that the current row/column should not be grid-like.
      AC noGrid​(int... indexes)
      Specifies that the indicated rows/columns should not be grid-like.
      void readExternal​(ObjectInput in)  
      void setConstaints​(DimConstraint[] constr)
      Sets the different DimConstraints that this object should consists of.
      AC shrink()
      Specifies that the current row/column's shrink weight within the columns/rows with the shrink priority 100f.
      AC shrink​(float w)
      Specifies that the current row/column's shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.
      AC shrink​(float w, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.
      AC shrinkPrio​(int p)
      Specifies the current row/column's shrink priority.
      AC shrinkPrio​(int p, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' shrink priority.
      AC shrinkWeight​(float w)
      in 3.7.2.
      AC shrinkWeight​(float w, int... indexes)
      in 3.7.2.
      AC size​(String s)
      Specifies the current row/column's min and/or preferred and/or max size.
      AC size​(String size, int... indexes)
      Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' min and/or preferred and/or max size.
      AC sizeGroup()
      Specifies that the current row/column should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.
      AC sizeGroup​(String s)
      Specifies that the current row/column should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.
      AC sizeGroup​(String s, int... indexes)
      Specifies that the indicated rows/columns should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.
      void writeExternal​(ObjectOutput out)  
    • Constructor Detail

      • AC

        public AC()
        Constructor. Creates an instance that can be configured manually. Will be initialized with a default DimConstraint.
    • Method Detail

      • getConstaints

        public final DimConstraint[] getConstaints()
        Property. The different DimConstraints that this object consists of. These DimConstraints contains all information in this class.

        Yes, we are embarrassingly aware that the method is misspelled.

        The different DimConstraints that this object consists of. A new list and never null.
      • setConstaints

        public final void setConstaints​(DimConstraint[] constr)
        Sets the different DimConstraints that this object should consists of.

        Yes, we are embarrassingly aware that the method is misspelled.

        constr - The different DimConstraints that this object consists of. The list will be copied for storage. null or and empty array will reset the constraints to one DimConstraint with default values.
      • getCount

        public int getCount()
        Returns the number of rows/columns that this constraints currently have.
        The number of rows/columns that this constraints currently have. At least 1.
      • count

        public final AC count​(int size)
        Sets the total number of rows/columns to size. If the number of rows/columns is already more than size nothing will happen.
        size - The total number of rows/columns
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • noGrid

        public final AC noGrid()
        Specifies that the current row/column should not be grid-like. The while row/column will have its components layed out in one single cell. It is the same as to say that the cells in this column/row will all be merged (a.k.a spanned).

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • noGrid

        public final AC noGrid​(int... indexes)
        Specifies that the indicated rows/columns should not be grid-like. The while row/column will have its components layed out in one single cell. It is the same as to say that the cells in this column/row will all be merged (a.k.a spanned).

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • index

        public final AC index​(int i)
        Sets the current row/column to i. If the current number of rows/columns is less than i a call to count(int) will set the size accordingly.

        The next call to any of the constraint methods (e.g. noGrid()) will be carried out on this new row/column.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        i - The new current row/column.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • fill

        public final AC fill()
        Specifies that the current row/column's component should grow by default. It does not affect the size of the row/column.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • fill

        public final AC fill​(int... indexes)
        Specifies that the indicated rows'/columns' component should grow by default. It does not affect the size of the row/column.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • sizeGroup

        public final AC sizeGroup()
        Specifies that the current row/column should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.

        Same as sizeGroup("")

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • sizeGroup

        public final AC sizeGroup​(String s)
        Specifies that the current row/column should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        s - A name to associate on the group that should be the same for other rows/columns in the same group.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • sizeGroup

        public final AC sizeGroup​(String s,
                                  int... indexes)
        Specifies that the indicated rows/columns should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size constraints as the other components in the group.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        s - A name to associate on the group that should be the same for other rows/columns in the same group.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • size

        public final AC size​(String s)
        Specifies the current row/column's min and/or preferred and/or max size. E.g. "10px" or "50:100:200".

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        s - The minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size of this row. The string will be interpreted as a BoundSize. For more info on how BoundSize is formatted see the documentation.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • size

        public final AC size​(String size,
                             int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' min and/or preferred and/or max size. E.g. "10px" or "50:100:200".

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        size - The minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size of this row. The string will be interpreted as a BoundSize. For more info on how BoundSize is formatted see the documentation.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • gap

        public final AC gap()
        Specifies the gap size to be the default one AND moves to the next column/row. The method is called .gap() rather the more natural .next() to indicate that it is very much related to the other .gap(..) methods.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • gap

        public final AC gap​(String size)
        Specifies the gap size to size AND moves to the next column/row.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        size - minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size of the gap between this and the next row/column. The string will be interpreted as a BoundSize. For more info on how BoundSize is formatted see the documentation.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • gap

        public final AC gap​(String size,
                            int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' gap size to size.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        size - minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size of the gap between this and the next row/column. The string will be interpreted as a BoundSize. For more info on how BoundSize is formatted see the documentation.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • align

        public final AC align​(String side)
        Specifies the current row/column's columns default alignment for its components. It does not affect the positioning or size of the columns/row itself. For columns it is the horizontal alignment (e.g. "left") and for rows it is the vertical alignment (e.g. "top").

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        side - The default side to align the components. E.g. "top" or "left", or "leading" or "trailing" or "bottom" or "right".
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • align

        public final AC align​(String side,
                              int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' columns default alignment for its components. It does not affect the positioning or size of the columns/row itself. For columns it is the horizontal alignment (e.g. "left") and for rows it is the vertical alignment (e.g. "top").

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        side - The default side to align the components. E.g. "top" or "left", or "before" or "after" or "bottom" or "right".
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • growPrio

        public final AC growPrio​(int p)
        Specifies the current row/column's grow priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        p - The new grow priority.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • growPrio

        public final AC growPrio​(int p,
                                 int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' grow priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        p - The new grow priority.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • grow

        public final AC grow()
        Specifies the current row/column's grow weight within columns/rows with the grow priority 100f.

        Same as grow(100f)

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • grow

        public final AC grow​(float w)
        Specifies the current row/column's grow weight within columns/rows with the same grow priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        w - The new grow weight.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • grow

        public final AC grow​(float w,
                             int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' grow weight within columns/rows with the same grow priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        w - The new grow weight.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrinkPrio

        public final AC shrinkPrio​(int p)
        Specifies the current row/column's shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        p - The new shrink priority.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrinkPrio

        public final AC shrinkPrio​(int p,
                                   int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at

        p - The new shrink priority.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrink

        public final AC shrink()
        Specifies that the current row/column's shrink weight within the columns/rows with the shrink priority 100f.

        Same as shrink(100f).

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrink

        public final AC shrink​(float w)
        Specifies that the current row/column's shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

        w - The shrink weight.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrink

        public final AC shrink​(float w,
                               int... indexes)
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

        w - The shrink weight.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrinkWeight

        public final AC shrinkWeight​(float w)
        in 3.7.2. Use shrink(float) instead.
        Specifies that the current row/column's shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

        w - The shrink weight.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().
      • shrinkWeight

        public final AC shrinkWeight​(float w,
                                     int... indexes)
        in 3.7.2. Use shrink(float, int...) instead.
        Specifies the indicated rows'/columns' shrink weight within the columns/rows with the same shrink priority.

        For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the White Paper or Cheat Sheet at

        w - The shrink weight.
        indexes - The index(es) (0-based) of the columns/rows that should be affected by this constraint.
        this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new AxisConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().