Class ResultSet

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean absolute​(int row)
      Moves the cursor to the DataRow element at the specified index.
      void add​(int row, DataRow dr)
      Inserts the given DataRow object at the specified index in the ResultSet.
      void add​(DataRow dr)
      Adds the given DataRow object to the ResultSet.
      int addColumn​(String name)
      Adds a column with the specified name to the list of columns.
      int addColumn​(String name, HashMap<String,​Object> colMap)
      Adds a column with the given name and the given metadata to the list of columns.
      void addItem​(DataRow dr)
      Adds the given DataRow object to the ResultSet.
      void addKeyColumn​(String name)
      Sets the given column name as key column.
      void afterLast()
      Moves the cursor after the last DataRow element.
      Double avg​(String fieldname)
      Returns the average value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
      void beforeFirst()
      Moves the cursor before the first DataRow element.
      void buildRowKey​(ResultSet rs, DataRow dr)  
      void clear()
      Clears the ResultSet by removing all DataRow objects.
      void clearConversionRuleSet()
      Clears a global conversion rule set
      ResultSet clone()  
      ResultSet clone​(Boolean fDeepClone)
      creates a clone of the ResultSet
      int count()
      Returns the number of DataRows stored in this ResultSet.
      DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname)
      Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name.
      DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname, String labelname)
      Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name.
      DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname, String labelname, int sort, int top)
      Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name.
      void createIndex()  
      ResultSet filterBy​(DataRow simpleFilterCondition)
      Search for DataRow(s) containing a specific value(s) Returns a new ResultSet with the DataRow(s) found in the current instance.
      ResultSet filterBy​(String queryClause)
      Applies the queryClause to a ResultSet and returns a new ResultSet that only contains records that match the clause.
      ResultSet filterBy​(String QueryClause, boolean caseSensitive, boolean trimmed)
      Applies the queryClause to a ResultSet and returns a new ResultSet that only contains records that match the clause.
      Boolean first()
      Moves the cursor to the first DataRow element of this ResultSet.
      static ResultSet fromJson​(String js)
      Returns a ResultSet object created by parsing the given JSON String.
      DataRow get​(int row)
      Returns the DataRow at the given index.
      DataRow get​(String rowkey)
      Returns the DataRow with the given row key.
      Array getArray​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Array.
      String getAttribute​(int column, String name)
      Returns the attribute with the given name, for the column at the specified index.
      String getAttribute​(String columnName, String attributeName)
      Returns the attribute with the given name, for the column at the specified index.
      String getBBTemplate()
      Creates and returns simplified BB template definition based on result set metadata, analog SQLTMPL().
      String getBBTemplate​(Boolean extendedInfo)
      Creates and returns BB template definition based on ResultSetMeatData, analog SQLTMPL().
      BigDecimal getBigDecimal​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as BigDecimal.
      Blob getBlob​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Blob.
      Boolean getBoolean​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Boolean.
      Byte getByte​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Byte.
      byte[] getBytes​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Byte array.
      String getCatalogName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the CatalogName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Clob getClob​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Clob.
      String getColumnClassName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnClassName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      int getColumnCount()
      Returns the number of columns.
      int getColumnDisplaySize​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnDisplaySize property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      int getColumnIndex​(String name)
      Returns the index of the column with the specified name, or -1 in case no column exists for the given name.
      String getColumnLabel​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnLabel property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      HashMap<String,​Object> getColumnMetaData​(String name)
      Returns the metadata of the column with the specified name.
      String getColumnName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      ArrayList<String> getColumnNames()
      Returns a list with all column names.
      int getColumnType​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnType property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      String getColumnTypeName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ColumnTypeName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      ConversionRuleSet getConversionRuleSet()  
      ArrayList<DataRow> getDataRows()  
      Date getDate​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Date.
      Double getDouble​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Double.
      DataField getField​(int column)
      Returns the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index.
      Float getFloat​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Float.
      Integer getInt​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Integer.
      DataRow getItem​(int row)
      Returns the DataRow at the given index.
      ArrayList<String> getKeyColumns()
      Returns a list with all key columns.
      String getKeyTemplate()  
      Long getLong​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Long.
      ArrayList<HashMap<String,​Object>> getMetaData()  
      Clob getNClob​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as NClob.
      String getNString​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as NString.
      Object getObject​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object.
      int getPrecision​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Precision property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Ref getRef​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Ref.
      int getRow()
      Returns the current DataRow.
      String getRowKey()
      Returns the row key of the current DataRow object.
      String getRowKey​(int row)  
      int getScale​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Scale property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      String getSchemaName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the SchemaName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Short getShort​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Short.
      ResultSet getSQLResultSet()
      Returns the java.sql.ResultSet object of this com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet object.
      static String getSQLTypeName​(int sqlType)
      Returns the name of the given java.sql.Type value, or null in case the given type is unknown.
      String getString​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as String.
      String getTableName​(int column)
      Returns the value of the TableName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Time getTime​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Time.
      Timestamp getTimestamp​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Timestamp.
      URL getURL​(int column)
      Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as URL.
      int indexOf​(DataRow row)
      returns the zero-based index of a row in the ResultSet if the ResultSet is indexed and the DataRow contains a rowKey, then the rowKey is used for finding the record in the index.
      int indexOf​(String rowKey)
      returns the zero-based index of a row in the ResultSet if the ResultSet is indexed and the DataRow contains a rowKey, then the rowKey is used for finding the record in the index.
      void insertItem​(int row, DataRow dr)
      Inserts the given DataRow object at the specified index in the ResultSet.
      Boolean isAutoIncrement​(int column)
      Returns the value of the AutoIncrement property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isCaseSensitive​(int column)
      Returns the value of the CaseSensitive property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isCurrency​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Currency property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isDefinitelyWritable​(int column)
      Returns the value of the DefinitelyWritable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if the ResultSet doesn't contain any DataRow, false otherwise.
      Boolean isIndexed()
      isIndexed: check if the ResultSet has an internal index row that would allow access by a key instead of the numeric integer index
      boolean isNull​(int column)
      Checks a DataField for null
      int isNullable​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Nullable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isReadOnly​(int column)
      Returns the value of the ReadOnly property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isSearchable​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Searchable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isSigned​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Signed property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Boolean isWritable​(int column)
      Returns the value of the Writable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index.
      Iterator<DataRow> iterator()  
      Boolean last()
      Moves the cursor to the last DataRow element of this ResultSet.
      Double max​(String fieldname)
      Returns the max value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
      Double median​(String fieldname)
      Returns the median value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
      void merge​(ResultSet rs2, String onFieldName, boolean fOverwrite)  
      Double min​(String fieldname)
      Returns the min value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
      boolean next()
      Moves the cursor to the next DataRow element.
      ResultSet orderBy​(String orderByClause)
      re-orders a result set according to an ORDER BY clause like in SQL ORDER BY: e.g.
      void orderByColumn​(String fieldName, String direction)
      Re-orders the ResultSet based on the given field name and the given sort direction.
      void orderByColumn​(Comparator<DataRow> comparator)
      Re-order the ResultSet using the given Comparator object.
      void orderByRowID()
      Re-orders the ResultSet based on the Row ID's.
      void populate​(ResultSet rs, Boolean defaultMetaData)
      Iterates over the given java.sql.ResultSet object and adds a DataRow object for each record of it to this ResultSet.
      void print()  
      void reCreateIndex()  
      void registerResultSetListener​(ResultSetListener mListener)  
      DataRow remove​(int row)
      Removes the DataRow at the specified index, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
      DataRow remove​(String rowkey)
      Removes the DataRowspecified by key, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
      void removeColumn​(int column)
      Removes the column at the given index.
      void removeColumn​(String name)
      Removes the column with the given name.
      DataRow removeItem​(int row)
      Removes the DataRow at the specified index, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
      void set​(int row, DataRow dr)
      Sets the DataRow at the given index.
      void setAttribute​(int column, String name, String value)
      Sets the attribute with the specified name and value to the column at the specified index.
      void setAttribute​(String columnName, String name, String value)
      Sets the attribute with the specified name and value to the column at the specified index.
      void setAutoIncrement​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the AutoIncrement property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setCaseSensitive​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the CaseInsensitive property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setCatalogName​(int column, String catalogName)
      Sets the value of the CatalogName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnClassName​(int column, String className)
      Sets the value of the ColumnClassName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnDisplaySize​(int column, int displaySize)
      Sets the value of the ColumnDisplaySize property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnLabel​(int column, String label)
      Sets the value of the ColumnLabel property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnMetaData​(String name, HashMap<String,​Object> colMap)
      Sets the given metadata to the column with the specified name.
      void setColumnName​(int column, String name)
      Sets the value of the ColumnName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnType​(int column, int type)
      Sets the value of the ColumnType property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setColumnTypeName​(int column, String typeName)
      Sets the value of the ColumnTypeName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setConversionRuleSet​(ConversionRuleSet crs)
      Sets a global conversion rule set which is honored for standard output methods, like print and toJson.
      void setCurrency​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the Currency property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setDefinitelyWritable​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the DefinitelyWritable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setFieldSelection​(List<String> fieldSelection)
      Sets the list of field names to be imported into the ResultSet when calling the populate(java.sql.ResultSet, Boolean) method.
      void setItem​(int row, DataRow dr)
      Sets the DataRow at the given index.
      void setKeyColumns​(ArrayList<String> keyColumns)  
      void setKeyTemplate​(String template)  
      void setNullable​(int column, int nullable)
      Sets the value of the DefinitelyWritable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setPrecision​(int column, int precision)
      Sets the value of the Precision property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setReadOnly​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the ReadOnly property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setScale​(int column, int scale)
      Sets the value of the Scale property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setSchemaName​(int column, String schemaName)
      Sets the value of the SchemaName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setSearchable​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the Searchable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setSigned​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the Signed property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setTableName​(int column, String tableName)
      Sets the value of the TableName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      void setWritable​(int column, Boolean flag)
      Sets the value of the Writable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
      int size()
      Returns the number of DataRows stored in the ResultSet.
      Double sum​(String fieldname)
      Returns the sum of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
      DataRow sumByGroup​(String fieldname, String sumfieldname)
      Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name.
      DataRow sumByGroup​(String fieldname, String labelname, String sumfieldname, int sort, int top)
      Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name.
      net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource toJRDataSource()
      Returns this ResultSet as a JRDataSource
      String toJson()
      Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
      String toJson​(boolean meta, String addIndexColumn, boolean trimStrings)  
      String toJson​(boolean meta, String addIndexColumn, boolean trimStrings, boolean writeDataRowAttributes)  
      String toJson​(Boolean f_meta)
      Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
      String toJson​(Boolean f_meta, String addIndexColumn)
      Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
      Object toJsonElement()
      Returns this ResultSet as object.
      String toString()  
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public ResultSet clone​(Boolean fDeepClone)
        creates a clone of the ResultSet
        fDeepClone - set to true to also clone all the DataRows contained, false will only clone the container but both will continue to reference the same DataRows
      • orderBy

        public ResultSet orderBy​(String orderByClause)
                          throws Exception
        re-orders a result set according to an ORDER BY clause like in SQL ORDER BY: e.g. (ORDER BY) NAME, FIRST_NAME DESC, ZIP NOTE: Only ASC and DESC are allowed!
        orderByClause - : order by clause
        the ordered result set
      • orderByColumn

        public void orderByColumn​(String fieldName,
                                  String direction)
        Re-orders the ResultSet based on the given field name and the given sort direction. The sort direction can only be ASC(=Ascending) or DESC(=Descending). If any value is passed which is not "ASC" or "DESC", the methods defaults to the ascending sorting.
        fieldName - The field name on which to sort the ResultSet
        direction - The sort direction("ASC" or "DESC")
      • orderByColumn

        public void orderByColumn​(Comparator<DataRow> comparator)
        Re-order the ResultSet using the given Comparator object.
        comparator - The comparator used to re-order the ResultSet.
      • orderByRowID

        public void orderByRowID()
        Re-orders the ResultSet based on the Row ID's. This methods can be used to revert the ResultSet's order back to its default.

        Note: The method does nothing in case the ResultSet hasn't been reordered.
      • filterBy

        public ResultSet filterBy​(String queryClause)
                           throws Exception
        Applies the queryClause to a ResultSet and returns a new ResultSet that only contains records that match the clause. The clause syntax is similar to an SQL WHERE clause. CAUTION: this method is experimental!! It only understands "equals" and basic statements, no full SQL. Searching for volunteers to implant full SQL where clause parsing.
        queryClause - : the query
        ResultSet: the records that match the query clause
      • filterBy

        public ResultSet filterBy​(String QueryClause,
                                  boolean caseSensitive,
                                  boolean trimmed)
                           throws Exception
        Applies the queryClause to a ResultSet and returns a new ResultSet that only contains records that match the clause. The clause syntax is similar to an SQL WHERE clause. CAUTION: this method is experimental!! It only understands "equals" and basic statements, no full SQL. Searching for volunteers to implant full SQL where clause parsing.
        QueryClause - : the query
        caseSensitive - whether the filter query should be case sensitive or not
        trimmed - true if the query paramters should get trimmed
        ResultSet: the records that match the query clause
      • filterBy

        public ResultSet filterBy​(DataRow simpleFilterCondition)
                           throws Exception
        Search for DataRow(s) containing a specific value(s) Returns a new ResultSet with the DataRow(s) found in the current instance. If the type of field in simpleFilterCondition is 12 (String) and the value starts with "regex:" then a regular search will be applied
        simpleFilterCondition - A DataRow with the vlaues to search for.
        a ResultSet with the DataRows found in the current instance.
      • registerResultSetListener

        public void registerResultSetListener​(ResultSetListener mListener)
      • populate

        public void populate​(ResultSet rs,
                             Boolean defaultMetaData)
                      throws Exception
        Iterates over the given java.sql.ResultSet object and adds a DataRow object for each record of it to this ResultSet. If the defaultMetaData flag is set to true, the ResultSet will use the metadata from the given java.sql.ResultSet object. If it is set to false, no metadata will be created. If the resultSet already has some metadata defined, it will not be removed. In case the field selection list has been set, this method will only create DataRow object's with the fields from the field selection list.
        rs -
        defaultMetaData -
      • add

        public void add​(DataRow dr)
        Adds the given DataRow object to the ResultSet.
        dr - The DataRow to add.
      • add

        public void add​(int row,
                        DataRow dr)
        Inserts the given DataRow object at the specified index in the ResultSet.
        row - The index were to insert the DataRow.
        dr - The DataRow to insert.
      • addItem

        public void addItem​(DataRow dr)
        Adds the given DataRow object to the ResultSet.
        dr - The DataRow to add.
      • insertItem

        public void insertItem​(int row,
                               DataRow dr)
        Inserts the given DataRow object at the specified index in the ResultSet.
        row - The index were to insert the DataRow.
        dr - The DataRow to insert.
      • addColumn

        public int addColumn​(String name)
        Adds a column with the specified name to the list of columns.
        name - The name of the column.
        the index of the newly added column.
      • addColumn

        public int addColumn​(String name,
                             HashMap<String,​Object> colMap)
        Adds a column with the given name and the given metadata to the list of columns.
        name - The name of the column.
        colMap - The metadata for the column.
        the index of the newly added column.
      • setColumnMetaData

        public void setColumnMetaData​(String name,
                                      HashMap<String,​Object> colMap)
        Sets the given metadata to the column with the specified name.
        name - The name of the column.
        colMap - The metadata to set.
      • getColumnMetaData

        public HashMap<String,​Object> getColumnMetaData​(String name)
        Returns the metadata of the column with the specified name.
        name - The name of the column.
        the column's metadata.
      • getColumnIndex

        public int getColumnIndex​(String name)
        Returns the index of the column with the specified name, or -1 in case no column exists for the given name.
        name - The name of the column.
        the column's index or -1 if the column doesn't exist.
      • getColumnNames

        public ArrayList<String> getColumnNames()
        Returns a list with all column names.
        the list with all column names.
      • getKeyColumns

        public ArrayList<String> getKeyColumns()
        Returns a list with all key columns.
        the list with the key columns.
      • addKeyColumn

        public void addKeyColumn​(String name)
        Sets the given column name as key column.
        name - the name of the key column to add.
      • getKeyTemplate

        public String getKeyTemplate()
        the template definition string
      • setKeyTemplate

        public void setKeyTemplate​(String template)
        template - the template definition string
      • getRowKey

        public String getRowKey()
        Returns the row key of the current DataRow object.
        key data as a string for the current row
      • getRowKey

        public String getRowKey​(int row)
        key data as a string for a specific row
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(DataRow row)
        returns the zero-based index of a row in the ResultSet if the ResultSet is indexed and the DataRow contains a rowKey, then the rowKey is used for finding the record in the index. Else the routine iterates the ResultSet and performs an .equals on each DataRow to see if there is a match based on the field contents.
        row - - the row for which the index is desired
        - the index of the DataRow in the ResultSet, or -1 if no match is found
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(String rowKey)
        returns the zero-based index of a row in the ResultSet if the ResultSet is indexed and the DataRow contains a rowKey, then the rowKey is used for finding the record in the index. Else the routine iterates the ResultSet and performs an .equals on each DataRow to see if there is a match based on the field contents.
        rowKey - - the rowKey as String for which the index is desired
        - the index of the DataRow in the ResultSet, or -1 if no match is found
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the ResultSet by removing all DataRow objects.
      • get

        public DataRow get​(String rowkey)
                    throws Exception
        Returns the DataRow with the given row key.
        rowkey - The index of the DataRow.
        The DataRow at the specified index.
      • get

        public DataRow get​(int row)
        Returns the DataRow at the given index.
        row - The index of the DataRow.
        The DataRow at the specified index.
      • getItem

        public DataRow getItem​(int row)
        Returns the DataRow at the given index.
        row - The index of the DataRow.
        The DataRow at the specified index.
      • set

        public void set​(int row,
                        DataRow dr)
                 throws ParseException
        Sets the DataRow at the given index.
        row - The index of the DataRow.
        dr - The DataRow to set.
      • setItem

        public void setItem​(int row,
                            DataRow dr)
                     throws ParseException
        Sets the DataRow at the given index.
        row - The index of the DataRow.
        dr - The DataRow to set.
      • getRow

        public int getRow()
        Returns the current DataRow.
        the current DataRow object.
      • isEmpty

        public Boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if the ResultSet doesn't contain any DataRow, false otherwise.
        true if the ResultSet doesn't have any DataRows, false otherwise.
      • remove

        public DataRow remove​(String rowkey)
                       throws Exception
        Removes the DataRowspecified by key, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
        rowkey - The key of the DataRow to remove.
        The DataRow that was removed.
      • remove

        public DataRow remove​(int row)
        Removes the DataRow at the specified index, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
        row - The index of the DataRow to remove.
        The DataRow that was removed.
      • removeItem

        public DataRow removeItem​(int row)
        Removes the DataRow at the specified index, and shifts any subsequent DataRows to the left.
        row - The index of the DataRow to remove.
        The DataRow that was removed.
      • removeColumn

        public void removeColumn​(int column)
        Removes the column at the given index.
        column - The column index
      • removeColumn

        public void removeColumn​(String name)
        Removes the column with the given name.
        name - The column name
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of DataRows stored in the ResultSet.
        The number of DataRow objects stored in the ResultSet.
      • beforeFirst

        public void beforeFirst()
        Moves the cursor before the first DataRow element.
      • afterLast

        public void afterLast()
        Moves the cursor after the last DataRow element.
      • first

        public Boolean first()
        Moves the cursor to the first DataRow element of this ResultSet. Returns true if the cursor was successfully moved at the first element, false otherwise.
        true if the cursor was successfully moved to the first element, false otherwise.
      • last

        public Boolean last()
        Moves the cursor to the last DataRow element of this ResultSet. Returns true if the cursor was successfully moved at the last element, false otherwise.
        true if the cursor was successfully moved to the last element, false otherwise.
      • absolute

        public boolean absolute​(int row)
        Moves the cursor to the DataRow element at the specified index. Returns true if the cursor was successfully moved to the specified index, false otherwise.
        true if the cursor was successfully moved to the specified index, false otherwise.
      • next

        public boolean next()
        Moves the cursor to the next DataRow element. Returns true if the cursor was moved successfully, false otherwise.
        true if the cursor was moved successfully, false otherwise.
      • getColumnCount

        public int getColumnCount()
        Returns the number of columns.
        the number of columns.
      • getCatalogName

        public String getCatalogName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the CatalogName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the CatalogName property of the column.
      • getColumnClassName

        public String getColumnClassName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnClassName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnClassName property of the column.
      • getColumnDisplaySize

        public int getColumnDisplaySize​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnDisplaySize property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnDisplaySize property of the column.
      • getColumnLabel

        public String getColumnLabel​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnLabel property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnLabel property of the column.
      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnName property of the column.
      • getColumnType

        public int getColumnType​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnType property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns 0 in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnType property of the column.
      • getColumnTypeName

        public String getColumnTypeName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ColumnTypeName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ColumnTypeName property of the column.
      • getPrecision

        public int getPrecision​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Precision property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Precision property of the column.
      • getScale

        public int getScale​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Scale property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Scale property of the column.
      • getSchemaName

        public String getSchemaName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the SchemaName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the SchemaName property of the column.
      • getTableName

        public String getTableName​(int column)
        Returns the value of the TableName property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the TableName property of the column.
      • isAutoIncrement

        public Boolean isAutoIncrement​(int column)
        Returns the value of the AutoIncrement property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the AutoIncrement property of the column.
      • isCaseSensitive

        public Boolean isCaseSensitive​(int column)
        Returns the value of the CaseSensitive property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the CaseSensitive property of the column.
      • isCurrency

        public Boolean isCurrency​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Currency property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Currency property of the column.
      • isDefinitelyWritable

        public Boolean isDefinitelyWritable​(int column)
        Returns the value of the DefinitelyWritable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the DefinitelyWritable property of the column.
      • isNullable

        public int isNullable​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Nullable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Nullable property of the column.
      • isReadOnly

        public Boolean isReadOnly​(int column)
        Returns the value of the ReadOnly property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the ReadOnly property of the column.
      • isSearchable

        public Boolean isSearchable​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Searchable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Searchable property of the column.
      • isSigned

        public Boolean isSigned​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Signed property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Signed property of the column.
      • isWritable

        public Boolean isWritable​(int column)
        Returns the value of the Writable property from the ResultSet's metadata, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the property isn't set.
        column - The column index.
        The value of the Writable property of the column.
      • getAttribute

        public String getAttribute​(int column,
                                   String name)
        Returns the attribute with the given name, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the specified attribute name doesn't exist.
        column - The column's index
        name - The attribute's name
        The attribute's value, or empty String in case the attribute doesn't exist.
      • getAttribute

        public String getAttribute​(String columnName,
                                   String attributeName)
        Returns the attribute with the given name, for the column at the specified index. Returns an empty String in case the specified attribute name doesn't exist.
        columnName - The column's name
        attributeName - The attribute's name
        The attribute's value, or empty String in case the attribute doesn't exist.
      • setCatalogName

        public void setCatalogName​(int column,
                                   String catalogName)
        Sets the value of the CatalogName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        catalogName - The value of the CatalogName property to set.
      • setColumnClassName

        public void setColumnClassName​(int column,
                                       String className)
        Sets the value of the ColumnClassName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        className - The value of the ClassName property to set.
      • setColumnDisplaySize

        public void setColumnDisplaySize​(int column,
                                         int displaySize)
        Sets the value of the ColumnDisplaySize property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        displaySize - The value of the ColumnDisplaySize property to set.
      • setColumnLabel

        public void setColumnLabel​(int column,
                                   String label)
        Sets the value of the ColumnLabel property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        label - The value of the ColumnLabel property to set.
      • setColumnName

        public void setColumnName​(int column,
                                  String name)
        Sets the value of the ColumnName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        name - The value of the ColumnName property to set.
      • setColumnType

        public void setColumnType​(int column,
                                  int type)
        Sets the value of the ColumnType property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        type - The value of the ColumnType property to set.
      • setColumnTypeName

        public void setColumnTypeName​(int column,
                                      String typeName)
        Sets the value of the ColumnTypeName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        typeName - The value of the ColumnTypeName property to set.
      • setPrecision

        public void setPrecision​(int column,
                                 int precision)
                          throws Exception
        Sets the value of the Precision property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        precision - The value of the Precision property to set.
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(int column,
                             int scale)
                      throws Exception
        Sets the value of the Scale property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        scale - The value of the Scale property to set.
      • setSchemaName

        public void setSchemaName​(int column,
                                  String schemaName)
        Sets the value of the SchemaName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        schemaName - The value of the SchemaName property to set.
      • setTableName

        public void setTableName​(int column,
                                 String tableName)
        Sets the value of the TableName property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        tableName - The value of the TableName property to set.
      • setAutoIncrement

        public void setAutoIncrement​(int column,
                                     Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the AutoIncrement property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the AutoIncrement property to set.
      • setCaseSensitive

        public void setCaseSensitive​(int column,
                                     Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the CaseInsensitive property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the CaseInsensitive property to set.
      • setCurrency

        public void setCurrency​(int column,
                                Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the Currency property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the Currency property to set.
      • setDefinitelyWritable

        public void setDefinitelyWritable​(int column,
                                          Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the DefinitelyWritable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the DefinitelyWritable property to set.
      • setReadOnly

        public void setReadOnly​(int column,
                                Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the ReadOnly property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the ReadOnly property to set.
      • setSearchable

        public void setSearchable​(int column,
                                  Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the Searchable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the Searchable property to set.
      • setSigned

        public void setSigned​(int column,
                              Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the Signed property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the Signed property to set.
      • setWritable

        public void setWritable​(int column,
                                Boolean flag)
        Sets the value of the Writable property of the ResultSet's metadata to the given value, for the column at the specified index.
        column - The column index.
        flag - The value of the Writable property to set.
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(int column,
                                 String name,
                                 String value)
        Sets the attribute with the specified name and value to the column at the specified index. Overwrites the value of the attribute with the given one in case an attribute with the given name does already exist.
        column - The column's index.
        name - The name of the attribute.
        value - The value of the attribute.
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(String columnName,
                                 String name,
                                 String value)
        Sets the attribute with the specified name and value to the column at the specified index. Overwrites the value of the attribute with the given one in case an attribute with the given name does already exist.
        columnName - The column's name.
        name - The name of the attribute.
        value - The value of the attribute.
      • getField

        public DataField getField​(int column)
        Returns the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index. The method converts the column index to the field name and calls the DataRow#getField(String) method)
        column - The column's index.
        the DataField object of the current DataRow for the given column index.
      • isNull

        public boolean isNull​(int column)
        Checks a DataField for null
        column - The column's index.
        true if the field is null
      • getString

        public String getString​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as String.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as String.
        See Also:
      • getNString

        public String getNString​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as NString.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as String.
        See Also:
      • getInt

        public Integer getInt​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Integer.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Integer.
        See Also:
      • getByte

        public Byte getByte​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Byte.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Byte.
        See Also:
      • getShort

        public Short getShort​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Short.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Short.
        See Also:
      • getLong

        public Long getLong​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Long.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Long.
        See Also:
      • getBigDecimal

        public BigDecimal getBigDecimal​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as BigDecimal.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as BigDecimal.
        See Also:
      • getDouble

        public Double getDouble​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Double.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Double.
        See Also:
      • getFloat

        public Float getFloat​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Float.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Float.
        See Also:
      • getBoolean

        public Boolean getBoolean​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Boolean.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Boolean.
        See Also:
      • getDate

        public Date getDate​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Date.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Date.
        See Also:
      • getTime

        public Time getTime​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Time.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Time.
        See Also:
      • getTimestamp

        public Timestamp getTimestamp​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Timestamp.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Timestamp.
        See Also:
      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Byte array.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Byte array.
        See Also:
      • getArray

        public Array getArray​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Array.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Array.
        See Also:
      • getBlob

        public Blob getBlob​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Blob.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Blob.
        See Also:
      • getClob

        public Clob getClob​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Clob.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Clob.
        See Also:
      • getNClob

        public Clob getNClob​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as NClob.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as NClob.
        See Also:
      • getObject

        public Object getObject​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value object.
        See Also:
      • getRef

        public Ref getRef​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as Ref.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as Ref.
        See Also:
      • getURL

        public URL getURL​(int column)
        Retrieves the DataField object of the current DataRow for the specified column index, and returns the DataField's value object as URL.
        column - The column's index.
        The DataField's value as URL.
        See Also:
      • setFieldSelection

        public void setFieldSelection​(List<String> fieldSelection)
        Sets the list of field names to be imported into the ResultSet when calling the populate(java.sql.ResultSet, Boolean) method. The populate method will only import the field names from the given list into the ResultSet.
        fieldSelection - The list of column names to import into the ResultSet when calling the populate method.
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
                      throws Exception
        Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        The JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the JSON String could not be created.
      • toJson

        public String toJson​(Boolean f_meta)
                      throws Exception
        Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        The JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the JSON String could not be created.
      • toJson

        public String toJson​(Boolean f_meta,
                             String addIndexColumn)
                      throws Exception
        Returns a JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        The JSON String with the ResultSet's content.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the JSON String could not be created.
      • toJson

        public String toJson​(boolean meta,
                             String addIndexColumn,
                             boolean trimStrings)
                      throws Exception
        meta - if MetaData should be printed
        addIndexColumn - The Index column which is generated (@Code{null} if it doesn't exist)
        trimStrings - if Strings should be trimmed
        The Json String containing this ResultSet
      • toJson

        public String toJson​(boolean meta,
                             String addIndexColumn,
                             boolean trimStrings,
                             boolean writeDataRowAttributes)
                      throws Exception
        meta - if MetaData should be printed
        addIndexColumn - The Index column which is generated (@Code{null} if it doesn't exist)
        trimStrings - if Strings should be trimmed
        The Json String containing this ResultSet
      • toJRDataSource

        public net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource toJRDataSource()
        Returns this ResultSet as a JRDataSource
        JRDataSourceAdapter representing this ResultSet
      • getSQLTypeName

        public static String getSQLTypeName​(int sqlType)
        Returns the name of the given java.sql.Type value, or null in case the given type is unknown.
        sqlType - The SQL Type value.
        sqlTypeName The name of the given SQL Type value.
      • fromJson

        public static ResultSet fromJson​(String js)
                                  throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException,
        Returns a ResultSet object created by parsing the given JSON String.
        js - The JSON String used to create the ResultSet object.
        The ResultSet object created from the values provided in the given JSON String.
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException - throws an exception if can not parse the json string to a DataRow.
      • getSQLResultSet

        public ResultSet getSQLResultSet()
        Returns the java.sql.ResultSet object of this com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet object.
        The java.sql.ResultSet object.
      • toJsonElement

        public Object toJsonElement()
        Returns this ResultSet as object.
        This ResultSet as object.
      • count

        public int count()
        Returns the number of DataRows stored in this ResultSet.
        The number of DataRow objects in this ResultSet.
        See Also:
      • sum

        public Double sum​(String fieldname)
                   throws Exception
        Returns the sum of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
        fieldname - The name of the DataRow field whose value to sum
        the sum of all numeric fields with the specified name.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the specified field value can't be retrieved as number
      • min

        public Double min​(String fieldname)
                   throws Exception
        Returns the min value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
        fieldname - The name of the DataRow field.
        the min value of all numeric fields with the specified name.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the specified field value can't be retrieved as number
      • max

        public Double max​(String fieldname)
                   throws Exception
        Returns the max value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
        fieldname - The name of the DataRow field.
        the max value of all numeric fields with the specified name.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the specified field value can't be retrieved as number
      • avg

        public Double avg​(String fieldname)
                   throws Exception
        Returns the average value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
        fieldname - The name of the DataRow field.
        the average value of all numeric fields with the specified name.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the specified field value can't be retrieved as number
      • median

        public Double median​(String fieldname)
                      throws Exception
        Returns the median value of all fields with the specified name, by iterating over all DataRow objects of this ResultSet.
        fieldname - The name of the DataRow field.
        the median value of all numeric fields with the specified name.
        Exception - Gets thrown in case the specified field value can't be retrieved as number
      • countByGroup

        public DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname,
                                    String labelname)
                             throws Exception
        Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name. The number of field occurrences in all DataRows of this ResultSet will be set as field value in the returned DataRow. In addition, while iterating over the DataRow objects, the method retrieves the field value for the given label name and sets it as attribute of the returned DataRow object.
        fieldname - The name of the field.
        labelname - The label name.
        A DataRow object with the field values from the DataRows defined in this ResultSet as field names and with the number of occurrences as field values.
        See Also:
        countByGroup(String), countByGroup(String, String, int, int)
      • countByGroup

        public DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname)
                             throws Exception
        Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name. The number of field occurrences in all DataRows of this ResultSet will be set as field value in the returned DataRow.
        fieldname - The name of the field.
        A DataRow object with the field values from the DataRows defined in this ResultSet as field names and with the number of occurrences as field values.
        See Also:
        countByGroup(String, String), countByGroup(String, String, int, int)
      • countByGroup

        public DataRow countByGroup​(String fieldname,
                                    String labelname,
                                    int sort,
                                    int top)
                             throws Exception
        Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name. The number of field occurrences in all DataRows of this ResultSet will be set as field value in the returned DataRow. In addition, while iterating over the DataRow objects, the method retrieves the field value for the given label name and sets it as attribute of the returned DataRow object.

        The sort parameter can be used to sort the created DataRow's fields. The sort parameter can only have predefined values, see below. The top parameter is used to limit the field names of the returned DataRow to the given value.

        The only allowed values for the sorting are:
        • ResultSet.NO_SORT (default)
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_GROUPFIELD
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_GROUPLABEL
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_RESULT
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_RESULT_DESC
        fieldname - The name of the field.
        labelname - The label name.
        sort - The sorting code.
        top - The maximal number of field's of the new DataRow object.
        A DataRow object with the field values from the DataRows defined in this ResultSet as field names and with the number of occurrences as field values.
        See Also:
        countByGroup(String), countByGroup(String, String)
      • sumByGroup

        public DataRow sumByGroup​(String fieldname,
                                  String sumfieldname)
                           throws Exception
        Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name. Sums the value of the field with the given field name(sumfieldname) and sets it as field value to the DataRow. In addition, while iterating over the DataRow objects, the method retrieves the field value for the given label name and sets it as attribute of the returned DataRow object.
        fieldname - The name of the field.
        sumfieldname - The field name whose value should be summed
        A DataRow object with the field values from the DataRows defined in this ResultSet as field names and with the sum of the values of the field with the given name as field values.
        See Also:
        sumByGroup(String, String, String, int, int)
      • sumByGroup

        public DataRow sumByGroup​(String fieldname,
                                  String labelname,
                                  String sumfieldname,
                                  int sort,
                                  int top)
                           throws Exception
        Returns a DataRow which contains all field values of the DataRows defined in this ResultSet for the given field name. Sums the value of the field with the given field name(sumfieldname) and sets it as field value to the DataRow. In addition, while iterating over the DataRow objects, the method retrieves the field value for the given label name and sets it as attribute of the returned DataRow object.

        The sort parameter can be used to sort the created DataRow's fields. The sort parameter can only have predefined values, see below. The top parameter is used to limit the field names of the returned DataRow to the given value.

        The only allowed values for the sorting are:
        • ResultSet.NO_SORT (default)
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_GROUPFIELD
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_GROUPLABEL
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_RESULT
        • ResultSet.SORT_ON_RESULT_DESC
        fieldname - The name of the field.
        labelname - The label name.
        sumfieldname - The field name whose value should be summed
        sort - The sort code.
        top - The maximal number of field's of the new DataRow object.
        A DataRow object with the field values from the DataRows defined in this ResultSet as field names and with the sum of the values of the field with the given name as field values.
        See Also:
        sumByGroup(String, String)
      • getBBTemplate

        public String getBBTemplate()
        Creates and returns simplified BB template definition based on result set metadata, analog SQLTMPL().
        String Template definition
      • getBBTemplate

        public String getBBTemplate​(Boolean extendedInfo)
        Creates and returns BB template definition based on ResultSetMeatData, analog SQLTMPL().
        extendedInfo - Adds more information to template if true
        String Template definition
      • isIndexed

        public Boolean isIndexed()
        isIndexed: check if the ResultSet has an internal index row that would allow access by a key instead of the numeric integer index
      • print

        public void print()
      • merge

        public void merge​(ResultSet rs2,
                          String onFieldName,
                          boolean fOverwrite)
        rs2 - : the resultset to merge in
        onFieldName - : the field name to use to identify matches
        fOverwrite - : set to true if you want to overwrite fields that exist in both
      • setConversionRuleSet

        public void setConversionRuleSet​(ConversionRuleSet crs)
        Sets a global conversion rule set which is honored for standard output methods, like print and toJson. Note: For setting and getting data directly with DataRow objects, you will still need to pass the rule set with the setField... and getField methods.
        crs -
      • clearConversionRuleSet

        public void clearConversionRuleSet()
        Clears a global conversion rule set
      • getConversionRuleSet

        public ConversionRuleSet getConversionRuleSet()
        The current ConversionRuleSet or null, if none is set