Package org.java_websocket
Interface Summary Interface Description WebSocket WebSocketFactory WebSocketListener Implemented by WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer.WebSocketServerFactory Interface to encapsulate the required methods for a websocket factoryWrappedByteChannel -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractWebSocket Base class for additional implementations for the server as well as the clientAbstractWrappedByteChannel SocketChannelIOHelper SSLSocketChannel A class that represents an SSL/TLS peer, and can be extended to create a client or a server.SSLSocketChannel2 Implements the relevant portions of the SocketChannel interface with the SSLEngine wrapper.WebSocketAdapter This class default implements all methods of the WebSocketListener that can be overridden optionally when advances functionalities is needed.WebSocketImpl Represents one end (client or server) of a single WebSocketImpl connection. -
Enum Summary Enum Description WebSocket.READYSTATE Enum which represents the state a websocket may be inWebSocket.Role Enum which represents the states a websocket may be in