Class DefaultExtension

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DefaultExtension
    extends Object
    implements IExtension
    Class which represents the normal websocket implementation specified by rfc6455. This is a fallback and will always be available for a Draft_6455
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultExtension

        public DefaultExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • decodeFrame

        public void decodeFrame​(Framedata inputFrame)
                         throws InvalidDataException
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Decode a frame with a extension specific algorithm. The algorithm is subject to be implemented by the specific extension. The resulting frame will be used in the application
        Specified by:
        decodeFrame in interface IExtension
        inputFrame - the frame, which has do be decoded to be used in the application
        InvalidDataException - Throw InvalidDataException if the received frame is not correctly implemented by the other endpoint or there are other protocol errors/decoding errors
      • encodeFrame

        public void encodeFrame​(Framedata inputFrame)
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Encode a frame with a extension specific algorithm. The algorithm is subject to be implemented by the specific extension. The resulting frame will be send to the other endpoint.
        Specified by:
        encodeFrame in interface IExtension
        inputFrame - the frame, which has do be encoded to be used on the other endpoint
      • acceptProvidedExtensionAsServer

        public boolean acceptProvidedExtensionAsServer​(String inputExtension)
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Check if the received Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header field contains a offer for the specific extension if the endpoint is in the role of a server
        Specified by:
        acceptProvidedExtensionAsServer in interface IExtension
        inputExtension - the received Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header field offered by the other endpoint
        true, if the offer does fit to this specific extension
      • acceptProvidedExtensionAsClient

        public boolean acceptProvidedExtensionAsClient​(String inputExtension)
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Check if the received Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header field contains a offer for the specific extension if the endpoint is in the role of a client
        Specified by:
        acceptProvidedExtensionAsClient in interface IExtension
        inputExtension - the received Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header field offered by the other endpoint
        true, if the offer does fit to this specific extension
      • isFrameValid

        public void isFrameValid​(Framedata inputFrame)
                          throws InvalidDataException
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Check if the received frame is correctly implemented by the other endpoint and there are no specification errors (like wrongly set RSV)
        Specified by:
        isFrameValid in interface IExtension
        inputFrame - the received frame
        InvalidDataException - Throw InvalidDataException if the received frame is not correctly implementing the specification for the specific extension
      • getProvidedExtensionAsClient

        public String getProvidedExtensionAsClient()
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Return the specific Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header offer for this extension if the endpoint is in the role of a client. If the extension returns an empty string (""), the offer will not be included in the handshake.
        Specified by:
        getProvidedExtensionAsClient in interface IExtension
        the specific Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header for this extension
      • getProvidedExtensionAsServer

        public String getProvidedExtensionAsServer()
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Return the specific Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header offer for this extension if the endpoint is in the role of a server. If the extension returns an empty string (""), the offer will not be included in the handshake.
        Specified by:
        getProvidedExtensionAsServer in interface IExtension
        the specific Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header for this extension
      • copyInstance

        public IExtension copyInstance()
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Extensions must only be by one websocket at all. To prevent extensions to be used more than once the Websocket implementation should call this method in order to create a new usable version of a given extension instance.
        The copy can be safely used in conjunction with a new websocket connection.
        Specified by:
        copyInstance in interface IExtension
        a copy of the extension
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Cleaning up internal stats when the draft gets reset.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface IExtension
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from interface: IExtension
        Return a string which should contain the class name as well as additional information about the current configurations for this extension (DEBUG purposes)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface IExtension
        toString in class Object
        a string containing the class name as well as additional information
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object