Class ResultSetImporter

  • public class ResultSetImporter
    extends Object
    This class provides static methods to create a com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet object from different formats.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResultSetImporter

        public ResultSetImporter()
    • Method Detail

      • readExcel

        public static ResultSet readExcel​(File excelFile)
                                   throws Exception
        Parses the given Excel file and returns a com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet with the data defined the the Excel file.

        Note: The first row of the Excel file must contain the column names, else an Exception gets thrown.
        excelFile - The Excel File to parse.
        ResultSet with the data defined in the given Excel file.
        See Also:
        readExcel(File, DataRow), readExcel(File, DataRow, List, Boolean)
      • readExcel

        public static ResultSet readExcel​(File excelFile,
                                          DataRow attributesRecord)
                                   throws Exception
        Parses the given Excel file and returns a com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet with the data defined the the Excel file. The method uses the given DataRow(Attributes record) to determine and set the correct field types in the ResultSet.

        Note: The first row of the Excel file must contain the column names, else an Exception gets thrown.
        excelFile - The Excel File to parse.
        attributesRecord - The DataRow used to set the correct data types for the fields defined in the Excel file.
        ResultSet with the data defined in the given Excel file.
        See Also:
        readExcel(File), readExcel(File, DataRow, List, Boolean)
      • readExcel

        public static ResultSet readExcel​(File excelFile,
                                          DataRow attributesRecord,
                                          List<String> columnNames,
                                          Boolean firstRowHasData)
                                   throws Exception
        Parses the given Excel file and returns a com.basiscomponents.db.ResultSet with the data defined the the Excel file. The method uses the given DataRow(Attributes record) to determine and set the correct field types in the ResultSet. The given boolean value determines whether the first line contains the column headers or not. If it is set to true, the first row will be treated as normal row with field values and the given List will then be used to initialize the field names. If it is set to false, the first row will be used to initialize the field names.
        excelFile - The Excel File to parse.
        attributesRecord - he DataRow used to set the correct data types for the fields defined in the Excel file.
        columnNames - The column names to use(Only required if the firstRowHasData boolean is set to true).
        firstRowHasData - The boolean value used to determine if the first row contains the column headers or not.
        ResultSet with the data defined in the given Excel file.
        See Also:
        readExcel(File), readExcel(File, DataRow)