Class PropertyReader

  • public class PropertyReader
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyReader

        public PropertyReader​(String filename,
                              String lang)
        Creates the PropertyReader object which contains a HashMap with all the attribute Lists.
        filename - - The name of the property file without any language specifications
        lang - - The desired language
    • Method Detail

      • getAttributes

        public com.basis.startup.type.BBjVector getAttributes​(String attrname)
        Returns a BBjVector with the found values sorted alphabetically or null if nothing was found for the given attribute name.
        attrname - - The attribute's name
        vector which contains all values for the given attribute name or null if nothing was found
      • getAttribute

        public String getAttribute​(String attrname,
                                   int id)
        Returns the value for the given attribute name and the specified position.
        attrname - - The attribute's name
        id - - The position of the key
        key or null if nothing was found
      • getAttribute

        public String getAttribute​(String attrname,
                                   String key)
        Returns the value for the given attribute name and the key.
        attrname - - The attribute's name
        key - - The position of the key
        key or null if nothing was found
      • getAttributeKey

        public String getAttributeKey​(String attrname,
                                      int id)
        Returns the key for the given attribute name and the specified position.
        attrname - - The attribute's name
        id - - The position of the key
        key or null if nothing was found
      • reload

        public void reload()
        Reloads the property file and all its content to rebuild the map with all the attributes
      • getResultSet

        public com.basis.startup.type.BBjVector getResultSet​(String attrname)