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 * This file is part of bbj-masks lib.
 * (c) Basis Europe <eu@basis.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * NumberMask
 * A javascript implementation for BBj numbers masking
 * @author Hyyan Abo Fakher <habofakher@basis.com>
class NumberMask {
   * Mask the given number with the given mask according to BBj rules
   * @param {Number} number the number to format
   * @param {String} mask the mask to use for formatting
   * @param {String} [groupingSeparator=,] - a char which will be used as a grouping separator
   * @param {String} [decimalSeparator=.]  - a char which will be used as a decimal separator
   * @param {Boolean} [forceTrailingZeros=false] - Affects the output by switching the way a mask with "#" characters in the trailing positions is filled.
   *                                              for example, the function `NumberMask.mask(.10:"#.##")` returns ` .10` instead of ` .1 `
   * @param {Boolean} [loose=true] when true , errors will be ignored and the method will try at apply the mask
   *                anyway , otherwise it will stop at first error and throw it.
   * @param {Boolean} [ignoreFillChar=false] - when true , then the fill char will always be an empty space 
   *                                         event if the mask start with a `*` 
   * @param {Boolean} [trimSpaces=false] - When true , the final masked value will not contain any spaces 
   * @param {Boolean} [floatSpecialChars=true] - When true , then if any of  "-", "+", "$", and "(".  characters 
   *                                            is present in the mask, the first one encountered will be moved
   *                                            to the last position where a "#" or "," was replaced by the fill
   *                                            character. If no such position exists, the float character is 
   *                                            left where it
   * @throws {MaskError} only if loose is disabled
   * @returns {String} the masked number
  static mask(
    groupingSeparator = ',',
    decimalSeparator = '.',
    forceTrailingZeros = false,
    loose = true,
    ignoreFillChar = false,
    trimSpaces = false,
    floatSpecialChars = true
  ) {
    const groupingSeparatorPlaceholder = '__GROUPING__SEPARATOR__PLACEHOLDER__';
    const decimalSeparatorPlaceholder = '__DECIMAL__SEPARATOR__PLACEHOLDER__'
    const maskLen = mask.length
    if (0 === maskLen) {
      if (loose) return str
      // friendly silent fail
        throw {
          name: 'MaskError',
          message: `MaskError: Mask is empty`

    // Get magnitude and precision of MASK
    let maskBeforeDecimal = 0
    let maskAfterDecimal = 0
    let foundDecimal = false
    for (let i = 0; i < maskLen; ++i) {
      const m = mask.charAt(i)
      if (m == '0' || m == '#') {
        if (foundDecimal) ++maskAfterDecimal
        else ++maskBeforeDecimal
      } else if (m == '.') foundDecimal = true

    let num = NumberMask._round(number, maskAfterDecimal)
    let bytes = NumberMask._toCharArray(num)

    // Get magnitude and precision of NUMBER
    let inLen = bytes.length
    let numBeforeDecimal = 0
    let numAfterDecimal = 0
    foundDecimal = false
    for (let i = 0; i < inLen; ++i) {
      if (bytes[i] == '.') foundDecimal = true
      else {
        if (foundDecimal) ++numAfterDecimal
        else ++numBeforeDecimal

    // always ignore mask overflow
    if (numBeforeDecimal > maskBeforeDecimal) {
      if (loose) return number.toString()
      // friendly silent fail
        throw {
          name: 'MaskError',
          message: `MaskError: Number is too large for mask`

    // round if mask is for a lower precision number
    if (numAfterDecimal > maskAfterDecimal) {
      num = NumberMask._round(num, maskAfterDecimal)
      bytes = NumberMask._toCharArray(num)
      inLen = bytes.length

      // Get new magnitude and precision of NUMBER
      numBeforeDecimal = 0
      numAfterDecimal = 0
      foundDecimal = false
      for (let i = 0; i < inLen; ++i) {
        if (bytes[i] == '.') foundDecimal = true
        else {
          if (foundDecimal) ++numAfterDecimal
          else ++numBeforeDecimal

      // always ignore mask overflow
      if (numBeforeDecimal > maskBeforeDecimal) {
        if (loose) return number.toString()
        // friendly silent fail
          throw {
            name: 'MaskError',
            message: `MaskError: Number is too large for mask`

    let fillByte = ' ',
      floatByte = ' '
    let inPos = 0,
      outPos = 0,
      floatPos = 0
    if (mask.charAt(0) == '*' && ignoreFillChar === false) fillByte = '*'

    const fillInit = fillByte
    const isNegative = NumberMask._getSign(num) < 0
    let emitDecimal = inLen > 0 || mask.indexOf('0') >= 0
    let foundZero = false
    let foundDigit = false
    foundDecimal = false

    let ret = new Array(maskLen)

    for (let maskPos = 0; maskPos < maskLen; ++maskPos) {
      let m = mask.charAt(maskPos)
      switch (m) {
        case '0':
          if (maskBeforeDecimal < numBeforeDecimal && inPos < inLen) {
            ret[outPos] = bytes[inPos]
            foundDigit = true
          } else {
            ret[outPos] = '0'
            foundZero = true

        case '#':
          if (maskBeforeDecimal < numBeforeDecimal && inPos < inLen) {
            ret[outPos] = bytes[inPos]
            foundDigit = true
          } else {
            ret[outPos] =
              foundDecimal &&
                forceTrailingZeros &&
                NumberMask._getSign(num) != 0
                ? '0'
                : fillByte
            if (!foundDecimal) floatPos = maskPos

        case ',':
          if (foundZero || inPos > 0) ret[outPos] = groupingSeparatorPlaceholder
          else {
            ret[outPos] = fillByte
            if (!foundDecimal) floatPos = maskPos

        case '-':
          if (!foundDigit && (floatByte == ' ' && floatSpecialChars)) {
            if (isNegative) floatByte = '-'
            ret[outPos] = fillByte
            floatPos = foundDecimal ? -1 : maskPos
          } else ret[outPos] = isNegative ? '-' : fillByte

        case '+':
          if (!foundDigit && (floatByte == ' ' && floatSpecialChars)) {
            floatByte = isNegative ? '-' : '+'
            ret[outPos] = fillByte
            floatPos = foundDecimal ? -1 : maskPos
          } else ret[outPos] = isNegative ? '-' : '+'

        case '$':
          if (!foundDigit && (floatByte == ' ' && floatSpecialChars)) {
            floatByte = '$'
            ret[outPos] = fillByte
            floatPos = foundDecimal ? -1 : maskPos
          } else {
            ret[outPos] = '$'
          // ret[outPos] = '$'

        case '(':
          if (!foundDigit && (floatByte == ' ') && floatSpecialChars) {
            if (isNegative) floatByte = '('
            ret[outPos] = fillByte
            floatPos = foundDecimal ? -1 : maskPos
          } else {
            if (isNegative) {
              ret[outPos] = '('
            } else {
              ret[outPos] = foundDecimal ? ' ' : fillByte

          // if(floatSpecialChars) {
          //   if (!foundDigit && (floatByte == ' ')) {
          //     if (isNegative) floatByte = '('
          //     ret[outPos] = fillByte
          //     floatPos = foundDecimal ? -1 : maskPos
          //   } else {
          //     if (isNegative) {
          //       ret[outPos] = '('
          //     } else {
          //       ret[outPos] = foundDecimal ? ' ' : fillByte
          //     }
          //   }
          // } else {
          //   ret[outPos] = '('
          // }


        case ')':
          if (isNegative) {
            ret[outPos] = ')'
          } else {
            ret[outPos] = foundDecimal ? ' ' : fillByte

          // if(floatSpecialChars) {
          //   if (isNegative) {
          //     ret[outPos] = ')'
          //   } else {
          //     ret[outPos] = foundDecimal ? ' ' : fillByte
          //   }
          // } else {
          //   ret[outPos] = ')'
          // }


        case 'C':
          if (maskPos < maskLen - 1 && mask.charAt(maskPos + 1) == 'R') {
            if (isNegative) {
              ret[outPos] = 'C'
              ret[outPos + 1] = 'R'
            } else {
              ret[outPos] = ' '
              ret[outPos + 1] = ' '
            outPos += 2
          } else {
            ret[outPos] = 'C'
        case 'D':
          if (maskPos < maskLen - 1 && mask.charAt(maskPos + 1) == 'R') {
            if (isNegative) {
              ret[outPos] = 'C'
              ret[outPos + 1] = 'R'
            } else {
              ret[outPos] = 'D'
              ret[outPos + 1] = 'R'
            outPos += 2
          } else {
            ret[outPos] = 'D'

        case '*':
          ret[outPos] = '*'

        case '.':
          ret[outPos] = emitDecimal ? decimalSeparatorPlaceholder : fillByte
          fillByte = ' '
          foundDecimal = true

        case 'B':
          ret[outPos] = ' '

          ret[outPos] = m

    if (floatByte != ' ') {
      if (floatPos < 0) floatPos = outPos
      while (floatPos >= maskLen) --floatPos
      if (ret[floatPos] == fillInit) ret[floatPos] = floatByte

    ret = ret.join('')

    if (trimSpaces) ret = ret.replace(/\s/g, '')

    ret = ret.replaceAll(groupingSeparatorPlaceholder, groupingSeparator);
    ret = ret.replaceAll(decimalSeparatorPlaceholder, decimalSeparator);

    return ret

  static _shift(number, precision, reverseShift) {
    if (reverseShift) precision = -precision
    var numArray = ('' + number).split('e')
    return +(
      numArray[0] +
      'e' +
      (numArray[1] ? +numArray[1] + precision : precision)

  static _round(number, precision) {
    return NumberMask._shift(
      Math.round(NumberMask._shift(number, precision, false)),

  static _toCharArray(number) {
    const signum = NumberMask._getSign(number)
    let chars = []

    if (signum !== 0) {
      let string = signum < 0 ? `${-1 * number.toString()}` : number.toString()

      if (string.length > 1 && string.charAt(0) == '0')
        string = string.substring(1)

      // The string contains only [0-9] and '.'
      chars = string.split('')

    return chars

   * Returns the sign of a number
   * @param {Number} x number
   * @returns {Number} A number representing the sign of the given argument.
   *                   If the argument is a positive number, negative number, positive zero
   *                   or negative zero, the function will return 1, -1, 0 or -0 respectively.
   *                   Otherwise, NaN is returned.
  static _getSign(x) {
    return (x > 0) - (x < 0) || +x

export default NumberMask